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Master the endocrine functions with the Solfeggio Tuning Fork for sound healing!

2022-02-18 04:56   Services   Honolulu   428 views Reference: 1714

Location: Honolulu

Price: Free

How about tuning up your nervous system with the effectiveness of Solfeggio Tuning Fork frequencies? Soothing indeed! Learn how the beautiful solfeggio sonic shower vibrations tune up your chakras, nervous system and endocrine functions.Each Solfeggio tone boasts of different frequency required to revitalize your energy and weave your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmonious string.The tuning forks for sound healing coupled with the spiritual chanting induce spirituality and peacefulness. To learn the Pythagorean simple reduction method and how to turn big numbers into single digits, visit our website: www.hawaiihealingsoundschool.com